Tuesday, 19 March 2013

My next Project

My next Project! A room full of all commands plus tutorials!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Simple PvP Arena [Minecraft]

Alright this is my simple PvP arena for minecraft that requires NO mods.

I made it red vs blue but you can change that, the two buttons you see is where if both players press them it will quit the fight and send them back to the lobby.

This is a picture of the lobby, i'll list some features.
  1. Team Select
  2. Respawn in your selected team.
  3. Auto gives both teams full diamond armour and weapon (can be changed via command blocks)
  4. Quit buttons
And that's the over view of the map.

Hope this helps you to make your own PvP arena for your servers.


Direct: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jamisumgu33891i
Adf.ly:  http://adf.ly/L32Ww

Thanks again!